Friday, November 25, 2011

In Flames are going to do a Scandinavian club tour next year!!!!!!!

And YES I'm gonna be there! Can't believe how lucky I am! After the show on Saturday I was dying to see them again and I almost depressed since they probably wouldn't play here again for another couple of years - when they decide to go for another tour in 2012!! xD Damn I'm happy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

In Flames - I salute you

Two days ago I spent the evening at Scandinavium in Gothenburg listening to Insense, Rise to Remain, Ghost, Trivium and IN FLAMES - and I've never EVER excperienced such an awesome evening in my entire life!! xD

In Flames preformed an incredible live act with fireworks, pyro, heavy solos and screaming in just the way I like it! I found it seriously impossible not to scream like a moron myself and I wouldn't be surprised if I knocked some people over as I jumped up and down with my fists raised in the air, screaming my head of haha! In case I did - sorry ;) But it's honastly impossble for me to remain saine when I'm at concerts! ;D

As Anders, the singer of IF, told us that they were going to record us from the stage to find out which city of the world tour that was the greatest metal city - we all went crazy. We just had to prove that Gothenburg is the capital of metal! xD Here's the video they recorded - it's insane and I can't believe I actually was there.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The excitement is building up!

I'm just getting ready to head for Gothenburg, Scandinavium and IN FLAMES!
The evening is gonna be awesome and I'm looking forward to it as hell! In Flames have four other bands with them at the tour and even though these aren't my favorite bands, I'm really excited about seeing Trivium, Insense, Rise To Remain and Ghost live as well x)

Lets turn the volume up!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

sleepy girl

Hi people, how's it going? I'm gonna head for the bead now and hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep... There's so much things going on right now it's insane - school's killing me! But at least I've been able to do some fun things today. I met up with the band and joined them for some music creation and it's so great to just get away from everything and pick up the guitar for a couple of hours ;) Those of you who play an instrument know what I mean - it's totally impossible to keep track of time x) Love it!

rule number one

Ok! Since I'm quite stupid, a lot of unexpected things are happening to me. Or if you'd like to express it another way: I act weird and clumsy x) But you know, that's what happens if you don't reflect over your actions before you actually preform them... which I usually don't x)

So from this day on, every time I learn something new by one of my mistakes - it can be anything; a small thing or something irrelevant - I'm going to share it with you, hoping you won't do the same mistake xD

Rule number one:
Don't run in high heels - It's simply not such a bright idea...

Kat Von D

Well, I guess you know of her...

I consider Kat one of the coolest women ever and I love both her work and her style! We all need a role model, someone to look up to - and for me, Kat is a woman who without any doubt deserves the title x) I can't believe how talented she is and her presence seem to make everyone one in the room stop what they're doing just to watch her. But well, I don't blame them - just look at her tattoos!! :D This woman is one of a kind...

more tattoos! ♥

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sweden's best screamo band has quite resently released this new video and since I really like this song, despite the fact that there are way too "nice" parts between the screaming, I thought I'd share it with you x)

Wanties x)

tattoos are awesome


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ghosts of the attic - Her Bright Skies
The new music video!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Usher - GET LOST! x)

I NEVER thought I'd say this, but I LIKE A SONG BY USHER! Well, I hate the original version...


...but when Her Bright Skies made a cover of it... it became... amazing! I don't understand how a band can turn a totally worthless song like this into something that's just...


I love you!

new music makes my heart stop

One of my favorite Swedish bands just released a new muci video along with a new song and I can only say that I LOVE IT!! This is by far one of their best songs - maybe even the best - and I LOVE the video! ♥

Since I can't upload the video itself right now beacuse of tecnical problems, I'll paste the link to the video now and I'll try to put the video on the blog as soon as possible...

...enjoy the music...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I just love this song by Paramore! Hayley is such a cool girl and since she sings amazing and since the music is awesome I can't help but loving this band x)

feeling ego and had nothing else to do

Let me instoduce to you...

BLACK VEIL BRIDES of the best bands in the world!



The Legacy

I just found a couple of CDs as I was looking through some old boxes this morning which made me really excited x) There is nothing written on them, so I had no idea what kind of music there was on them so I put one of them in the computer to find out. The first CD was with Disturbed and Linkin Park (I think my brother did that one) and well, I've been listening to it the entire day x) The second track was this song with Disturbed and I can't remember hearing it before which is totally weird since it's awesome!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

fan girl

Today, I went to the movies to see "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2" - once again x)

I've seen it one time before but I felt that I had to see it one more time. (I saw part one three times at the cinema haha!) But well, I really love the books and if you ask me, you can't say that a movie is awesome if you've seen it once. I have to see a film at least two times before I can say that I really like it - or love it ;) So this time I can tell you that I don't love this movie, but I like it. A lot.


OK, I feel that it's time for me to upload some pictures from Within Temptation's concert in Gothenburg last week and to tell you about how AWESOME the show was! xD

Me and two friends of mine got to the concert hall about 1:30 pm and stood there in the rain, freezing and shivering, 'til about 6:00 pm when the doors finally opened! By then, we had allready caught a glimpse of Sharon and the other band members as they arrived to do their soundcheck and it was totally unreal to actually see them in real life!


Since we were among the ones who had waited longest, we got to stand on the first row and as WT entered the stage, all hours of waiting were forgotten... It was totally worth it! xD


They preformed for a bit more than one and a half hours and even though the concert was very proffessional, the show felt extremely personal ;) Sharon "spoke" to us in Swedish, even though she really can't speak our language, but once in a while she screamed "Thank you so much!" in Swedish! She was really present on stage and made eye contact with as many as she could - including me! x) After about half of the concert, she told us that Within Temptation now have a special bond to Sweden since their new guitarist is Swedish and damn you should have heard the croud as she said that! xD She had to hand the mic over to him so that he could speak with us in Swedish haha! Sharon just stood beside him, just smiling with all her face, not understanding a word :D Afterwords she simply said "Yeah, what he said!" and laughed!

But enough said about what they spoke about on stage!
I know I won't be able to describe how awesome this show was and how much I love this band, but I'll have to try: I begin by saying that I cried.  I cried. To the ones of you who know me, that means a lot - I NEVER cry! But Within Temptation made me cry and I couldn't stop my tears from falling... I've never experienced that emotion before... I don't even know if I was happy or sad or touched by the lyrics or just going insane. But I cried, oh damn I cried.

And I screamed - well I tried to sing haha - but I guess it sounded more like screaming x) It was the best concert I've ever been to and I find it very hard to believe that anything will be able to beat it.

When the show was over, and I had come to my senses again, we left the concert hall not knowing what to say. I think I didn't know anything worth saying... I still don't actually. No words can describe the evening properly. NO WORDS. But I guess you can say that it was damn f*cking awesome and get pretty close to the truth! xD

Later, as we went outside, we saw a group of people standing by the tour busses and trailers and we thought "why not join them?" x) Well, I alone made that decission for all the three of us, but there was NO WAY I was going to leave without Within Temptation's autographs if I had the opportunity of getting them! So that's why we stood in the freezing rain for about two hours, waiting. But then - finally - they came! And I was able to speak to all of them, tell them how awesome the show had been and how much I had been looking forward to the concert and how much I love their music! They signed my ticket (since I had nothing else for them to sign - black pen on black fabric doesn't work that well) and I got to say Happy B-day to the bass player since it was his birthday the same day. Then we spoke about the show and he claimed that the stage was a bit to small but I assured him that it didn't really matter since they'd be awesome no matter how small or big the stage is x) Then we got to take pictures with them! OMG!

Well, I suppose I better start summing this up ;) I guess I'll end this not so very short post by writing down a part of the conversation I had with the non-Swedish guitar player, Ruud:

Me: Thank you so much! The show was absolutley amazing! xD
R: No problem! Glad you liked it! :D
Me: Of course I liked it haha! You were awesome! ;D
R: Well thank you, you weren't that bad either ;P
All of us: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

my day

You can't believe how tired I am right now... I've been driving about 200 kilometres today (I have no idea how many miles that is, but believe me - it's far!) and now I'm totally exhausted! As you know, I'm practicing for my driver's licence and today was the first time I drove in complete darkness... At this time at the year, it gets dark here in Sweden at about 4:00 pm so we have to get used to driving in darkness x) But well, I'm actually very pleased with myself - I didn't hit anyone and I was able to keep the car on the road!

Today I was wearing my fav. sunglasses from Ray Ban and a black, baggy top from JC, along with over-sized green army trousers x) You may say whatever you like about my style, but as I've said before:

If you don't like it, I couldn't care less.
I dress the way I like - take it or leave it

Peace out!
I have to admit that I'm totally crazy about band shirts!
This one is one of my newest and as I always do when it comes to band t-shirs: I love it x)